Rename File On Duplicate File Path

Functions similarly to the Duplication Check Task, except if it finds a duplicate, it will rename the file using the supplied pattern.


To use this task go to the task tab in your job. Select the task from the drop down and click the plus circle to configure the task. Click done after making any changes to save.

Condition check

It will execute the task when the condition's result is 'true', 't', 'on', '1', or 'yes' (case-insensitive), or run on all conditions if left empty. This condition is evaluated for each document, determining whether the task should be executed based on the specified values.

Example: If I only want to run this task for PDF documents I would use the expression: equals('#{rd.mimetype}',"application/pdf")

Duplication Scope

Select the scope of the job run to check for duplicates.

  • Job will check for duplicates across the first job run

  • Enterprise will check for duplicates across all job runs

Case Sensitive

Should 3Sixty mark files as duplicates regardless of the case. Lower case or upper case.

  • Yes will only match duplicates if the case matches

  • No will match duplicates even if the case does not match

Equal Fields

Additional Fields to check for narrowing the scope of the search for duplicates. Checks to make sure the documents that match, have the same values between these fields as well.

  • File Content Hash: This option will require the Hash Value Generator task to be added to the job. When 3Sixty runs the job it will generate a hash value for the file and the duplication checker will use this hash value to compare documents to flag any duplicates. Note: Hash will find duplicates of two files with the same content even if the file names are different.

  • Document Type: records can be compared by Document type such as folder or document for example

  • Document Source Id: This will usually be the file path of the document for example a file in an Objective directory would be \\\Engineering\Simflofy\2156\testdocument1.docx

Not-Equal Fields

Additional Fields to check for narrowing the scope of the search for duplicates. Similar to the Equals Fields, except this will check to make sure the chosen values are NOT the same between the documents.


Use 3Sixty Expression language to list the fields and or words you want to use to rename duplicate files found.

  • Default Value: '#{rd.filename}' + '_' + '#{rd.modifieddate}'

    This default value will rename duplicate files by adding the modified date to the end of the file name preceded by an underscore.