Alfresco Connector

Alfresco is used in highly regulated environments, for managing governmental information or personnel records, or where information might be audited. The Alfresco connector can only be used as an Output connector. For read operations from Alfresco, use the CMIS connector. 3Sixty Discovery is available to help with mapping when setting up an integration job.

This connector was built to work in tandem with the 3Sixty Batch API to offer a more performant migration.
If you're planning to use the Transparent Content Services for Manage In Place, this API is already included in that module. However, it can be installed separately for standard migrations.

Connector Compatibility  

Repo: No

Output: Yes

Content Service: No

Content Search: No

Manage In Place: No

More info on connection types

Alfresco Authentication

Alfresco Webscript Auth Connector

This connector uses basic authentication to retrieve a ticket from Alfresco. That ticket will be used to perform operations. The authenticating user will need the rights to access the folder you're attempting to write to.

  • Name: The name of the authentication connection

  • Username: Name of the authenticating user

  • Password: Password of the authenticating user

  • Service URL: URL to contact Alfresco. Takes the form


Discovery Connector

  • Name: Unique Name for the Discovery Connection to identify it in the UI.

  • Authentication Connection: The authentication connection you want to search for

  • Ignore Types (comma delimited list): Comma delimited list of types to ignore. Note that you can have regex as well. So to ignore all types with "workflow" in the name, you will enter(.)workflow(.) into the ignore types text box.

  • Alfresco Ticket Key: The ticket key is used to generate credentials.

Integration Connection

Tip:  Batching
The Alfresco Connector requires batching, meaning it will batch up documents before attempting to upload them. Batch size is set under the Advanced Options under the Details job tab. When using a connector that requires batching, the value will be automatically set to 50.

When batching is on, batch ids will be generated based on the job run id, which is the job id plus the timestamp of the current run. The batch number will then be added to that. Batch IDs will be prepended to parent folders of each document in a batch leading to the following:



  • Connection Name: Name the Connector

  • Description: Add a description for the connector

  • Authentication Connection: Alfresco Auth connector

Job Configuration

Output Configuration

  • Alfresco Path: The output folder path in your alfresco repository.

  • Binary Output Path: Binary Output Path for Azure or S3. If populated and no Secondary Auth Connection is present, will output to the filesystem.

  • Create Content URL Always: Only used for Manage In Place (MIP). 3Sixty will generate an Alfresco Content Url based on a number of configuration:

    Be aware that these are checked in order

    • If the content service connector is set in the Details tab the content url will be

    • If the document has the metadata field simflofy.contenturl. It will be checked for validity and used.

    • If the secondary auth connection is for Amazon S3 the content url will be

    • If the secondary auth connection is for Azure Blob the content url will be

    • If none of these are true, the content url will be

Alfresco Tutorials

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